Many tradespeople work in highly populated areas, where loading and unloading your ladder on a busy street can be a nightmare. Dodging cars while trying to maneuver extension ladders onto the van roof is an accident waiting to happen.
Enter the new Ladder Rack option Advantage Outfitters now sells: The Access Stow. The Access Stow is Ranger's newest rear loading option. Instead of loading your ladders from the street side, this rack allows you to work safely from behind the van. The ladder slides down to ground level, eliminating injuries from stretching or climbing up onto the van roof.
Trade Type: The Access Stow was designed for high roof vans and can carry one or more extension ladders. Contractors who frequently find themselves working in busy, outdoor areas would benefit the most from this ingeniously designed rack.
- Fast access to ladder - lowers ladder in one single motion
- Ladders are automatically restrained for safety
- Easily add padlock for extra security
Please note that the Access Stow is only designed to hold extension ladders.
130" WB Single-side - 1920-FTR
130" WB Double-side for 148"/148" Ext - 1930-FTR
148"/148" Ext WB Single-side - 1920-FTL
148"/148" Ext WB Double-side - 1930-FTL
Weight: 175 lbs.
Dimensions: 74.4 × 147.66 × 18.37 in
Material: 100% anodized aluminum/stainless steel